Fencing/Masonry Walls
Homeowner Fencing Requirements
HOA is resp
Homeowner Fencing Requirements
All homeowners are required to follow the architectural guidelines when building and maintaining their wood fences:
Rough sawn spruce stained with solid wood stain “SANDSTONE” by Cloverdale
Please see further details under “Architectural Guidelines in the “Resource Centre” on this website (last page)
Fence Detail
The 4” x 6” fence post must be installed with the 6” side presenting to the street.
All wood screen fencing should be consistent in design and color with the fencing style
established for the subdivision, an illustration of which is included above. Lots backing onto the
internal pathway and trail system may utilize wood screen fencing at the side property
lines to within ten feet of the rear chain link fence. At this point, privacy landscaping or a
coated chain link fence, matching the finish and 1.5m height of the fence abutting the
pathway, may define the yard.
Lots backing onto the ravine (top of bank) will step down the fencing at the side property
lines,10′ before the rear property line, to match the height of the chain link fence installed
A restrictive covenant will be placed on applicable lots to ensure fencing as may be
provided by the Developer is not tampered with, altered or allowed to fall into disrepair.