What Issues Have Come Up?
As a board of community volunteers, we try our very best to discuss all issues and make sound decisions. We could always use more board members as more people means greater decision making capabilities. We will endevour to post below some general updates from our meetings to allow for greater communication with our neighbours.
Jan Meeting
motion to give $5000 to CHCL to support community events
collections going well - large accounts paid recently
Masonry wall - no response after Scorpio said they are waiting on material
Tree Lights - no word back from company
Front entry - obtaining quotes on designing the left entry bed, tying lighting and landscaping together etc
Somerville damage to front entry - to follow up with the company
completed budget for 2025
Oct 2, 2024 @ 6:30pm
Accounts Receivable
May - 219 homes owing
collected from 108
111 outstanding
4 on payment plan
Sep - 107 outstanding
Management Contract Renewal
Tammy Aab has put her name forward to continue as our HOA manager with the request to receive the same remuneration as the previous manager - $1800/month
board approves and will continue benefitting from Tammy's management
explored revisions to the Bylaws now that all developers lots are sold (Marcson Homes)
Hired Jenna at Dentons who looked through the bylaws and advised the board that changes are not worth pursuing:
The first section of the bylaws outlines Members of the Society, Voting Rights, Meetings etc. Anywhere that refers to "the developer" is automatically null and void now that the developer is not an involved party. Therefore no rewrite needed.
The final section of the bylaws is Schedule A - the restrictive covenant (pp.16-29) - which can only be changed with 100% of ownership in favour of the amendments. A witness attends in front of a commissioner of oaths and then provides the details to be changed at Land Titles. This section has the policies regarding parking trailers, clotheslines etc that the board was looking at changing to be in line with City Bylaws, but the restrictive covenant cannot effectively be changed.
Jenna advised that a reserve fund study is not legally required as per our bylaws
Board also asked about the event where a board member can hold the position for no more than 3 years. Jenna advised if voting at AGM allows a member to continue forward on the board, (perhaps due to no other names being put forward) then they can continue in the position (unless home owners want that person removed of course).
Tree Project in Park
Always Landscaping planted 15 trees
Stone Project at front entry
added stones for people to sit on
hopefully this helps avoid snow being pushed up here in the winter months
Masonry Repairs
Scorpio Masonry - quoted
will review Always Landscaping contract in the spring and seek other quotes to ensure we are in line with appropriate cost
Lighting Cameron Heights Drive for winter
approximate cost $1500
Mar | Fees Due
– website has been cleaned up, but still adding info and editing
– bylaws require amendment now that Allard has sold off all remaining homes – will be a summer project – volunteers are welcome!
– Landscaping – continue with Always Landscaping
– Marla will attend April meeting to assess yearly plan
– would like main field over seeded to grow grass and choke out weeds – cost?
– need to report thistle on sports fields to 311 as soon as it grows this spring
– Volunteer Dinner – HOA would like to host at Woodshed again – May – to thank community volunteers
– Voles/Moles/Gophers – issue under wall along Henday – getting exterminator quotes once snow melts (April)
– possibility to get Scorpio to assess any issues with wall integrity once moles are taken care of
Aug |
discussed website redesign
society annual return due - 2022 not filed - Tammy will file both
AGM notices need to be mailed
survey re: community hall funding
call Scorpio re: masonry wall repair estimate
Sept | AGM
Thu from the Community League spoke about the community building and newly signed contract with Triumph
website has been transferred to our google site so board members can edit information any time
recap of landscaping, gopher removal, wall inspection, events over the past year
member asked if information regarding the HOA loan to Community League to secure grants for hall building could again be sent out with next mailout
member asked about speed along Cameron Heights Drive coming into the community
member asked if HOA could have online virtual meeting streaming at next years' AGM for those who cannot attend in person
HOA will call Scorpio to repair any public facing wall issues in the spring
elected new member to the HOA board - Matthew
Front entry has been decorated - lights replaced on trees, outdoor extension cords
Solar lights in CHCL sign bed and park entry bed
Christmas greenery planted in bridge planters
HOA will write cheque to league for community events from 2023 ($5000)
Bylaw rewrite - will plan a date at next meeting
gophers continue to burrow along Henday wall - Edmonton Exterminators cannot set traps until ground thaws in spring
Grafitti - Tammy will file police report and register with Capital City Clean Up under the resident's address