What Issues Have Come Up?
As a board of community volunteers, we try our very best to discuss all issues and make sound decisions. We could always use more board members as more people means greater decision making capabilities. We will endevour to post below some general updates from our meetings to allow for greater communication with our neighbours.
Mar - Fees Due
June 12
4. Financial/Manager’s Report
T. Aab reviewed the financial statements with the Board and reported:
▪ The balance in the Operating Account $145,548.26. Reserve Account $184,184.81 as of May 31,
▪ The balance of the Accounts Receivables is $ 180,467.80 as of May 31, 2024.
▪ As of June 12, 2024 $ 174,663.29 is outstanding. T. Aab has contacted everyone with an
outstanding balance either by sending a letter and statement or just a statement by email or regular
mail. Approximately $26,000.00 has been received.
5.1 Bylaws
Christine Symonds reached out to Lawyer Jenna Weinkauf from Dentons to review and revise the
Bylaws of Cameron Heights Homeowners Association. Dentons sent Christine Symonds an
Engagement Agreement to sign. The rate for Jenna Weinkauf is $560.00 and for Francesco
Deluca is $465.00 per hour. The board has reviewed, understands and accepts the terms and
conditions of the Engagement Agreement. A motion has been made to hire legal counsel for the
purpose of rewriting the Bylaws.
Motion: To approve the retention of Dentons Canada LLP, to review and revise the Bylaws of Cameron
Heights Homeowners Association and sign their Engagement Agreement.
Moved: Christine Symonds 2 nd : Keri Clifford and Saheb Dullet Carried
5.2 Tree Project
● Keri is waiting to hear from Marla Strand from Always Landscaping; she is to provide pricing for the
trees. Green Ash, Red Maple, and Colorado Blue Spruce in 3” to 4” caliber. Keri will contact her
● Marla did confirm with Chrissey that she was told by a City of Edmonton employee they would cut
the grass, they did not show up. The grass is getting long Chrissey will advise Marla to cut all
areas; the neighborhood is looking shabby. Saheb mentioned an area that needs to be cut near his
home too.
● It has been noted The City of Edmonton – Roots for Trees has planted trees, shrubs and grasses
in the area near the pond.
5.3 Masonry Fence Repairs
Jason Weiskopf from Scorpio contacted Tammy, he is checking the availability of material. Tammy
will follow up with him for a quote.
Volunteer Appreciation dinner was well attended
Sept - AGM
Mar | Fees Due
– website has been cleaned up, but still adding info and editing
– bylaws require amendment now that Allard has sold off all remaining homes – will be a summer project – volunteers are welcome!
– Landscaping – continue with Always Landscaping
– Marla will attend April meeting to assess yearly plan
– would like main field over seeded to grow grass and choke out weeds – cost?
– need to report thistle on sports fields to 311 as soon as it grows this spring
– Volunteer Dinner – HOA would like to host at Woodshed again – May – to thank community volunteers
– Voles/Moles/Gophers – issue under wall along Henday – getting exterminator quotes once snow melts (April)
– possibility to get Scorpio to assess any issues with wall integrity once moles are taken care of
Aug |
discussed website redesign
society annual return due - 2022 not filed - Tammy will file both
AGM notices need to be mailed
survey re: community hall funding
call Scorpio re: masonry wall repair estimate
Sept | AGM
Thu from the Community League spoke about the community building and newly signed contract with Triumph
website has been transferred to our google site so board members can edit information any time
recap of landscaping, gopher removal, wall inspection, events over the past year
member asked if information regarding the HOA loan to Community League to secure grants for hall building could again be sent out with next mailout
member asked about speed along Cameron Heights Drive coming into the community
member asked if HOA could have online virtual meeting streaming at next years' AGM for those who cannot attend in person
HOA will call Scorpio to repair any public facing wall issues in the spring
elected new member to the HOA board - Matthew
Front entry has been decorated - lights replaced on trees, outdoor extension cords
Solar lights in CHCL sign bed and park entry bed
Christmas greenery planted in bridge planters
HOA will write cheque to league for community events from 2023 ($5000)
Bylaw rewrite - will plan a date at next meeting
gophers continue to burrow along Henday wall - Edmonton Exterminators cannot set traps until ground thaws in spring
Grafitti - Tammy will file police report and register with Capital City Clean Up under the resident's address